And no, it isn't a format involving a red track suit and interpretive dance - just a list.
The California Ass- This thing is quite a physical anomaly of the human condition. For some reason, unsolved by science, the west coast has what I believe to be the statistically highest sum of people that have a sweet ass. not too little, but not to... not to...
Exactly. Instead, it is just perfectly shaped. The thing about is, is that it wasn't just a woman thing either - it was everyone. Literally everyone LA either had a fake enough ass to make it appear sweet, or just had a really well put together rump. It was like some sort of genetic mutation to the people of the city - but instead of giving superpowers or a Quatto-like growth coming of the face, it was just a nice ass.
Thank God for BIG favors.
Excellent Sunsets - Now there are glorious sunsets in many parts of the world, but I must that Los Angeles definitely has one of the most unique ones. Too bad it's all thanks to the large amount of smog pollution. Oh well, it's still really nice to see.
Keep it up boys, my date wants to see the orangiest, pinkiest, purpls-ish-est twilight sky ever!
A Standard Sum of Snow - Now, I know what you're thinking; "Derp derp, it's hawt there, there can be snowz, stoopid." And while I fairly certain winter as a season is shot at on sight in LA, there are high mountains all over the place, which are actually awesome for snowboarding and skiing. So, you could literally spend and entire day on a frosty mountain top, then spend the evening beach side if done properly.
Oh, so this isn't just some sort of fan service. That said, Californians always know it will snow on the mountains, and never in the city. Thus telling nature to effectively screw itself.
Oh yeah, they do have those. Well, at least it's not snow.
Oh bugger.
A Reasonable Language Barrier - Not surprisingly, one out of every one person speaks some form of actual Spanish, if not only Spanish. Making a rather uni-lingual being, such as myself, quite the gringo. However, it is a language barrier that makes sense. If you only speak English, you need to learn Spanish to do stuff, and vice versa. However, it is observably not the same in New York; there is this weird, all equally bastardizing versions of American English having a grand old time disliking and confusion everyone and everything around them. I'd go as far to say that it's the reason the Boston Red Sox and New York Yankees hate each other.
"'Pahk tha cah,in my mah?' Tawk wright, ya gross Bawston Bastad!" |
Dumber things have started over more serious misinterpretations.
Well, I'll leave this chapter of my not being in New York closed for tonight. I am in the home state, at least for now. And I must ultimately thank it, for by the time many of you read this, a New York state accredited college will give me a sheet of paper saying I'm allowed to sculpt young minds.
High Five State! Booya!